martes, 24 de noviembre de 2015

About the Blog

Hi my little laughers again, this written is just to clear out some dubts you may have.

First of all, this is going to be a serious project with all its information and very complete, but with some sense of humor to make it more enjoyable.

To write this scientific project I will inspire myself by reading other webs, I'll write them in my posts, for example this one:

Keep laughing


jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015


Hi, my name is the Joker and... WELCOME TO THELASTLAUGH!!!

About me, the Joker, I'm a teenager full of scientific knowledge to teach you, my little laughers. I'm from Barcelona, Spain and I hope you can have a good time reading my posts.

I know that you have many questions: about what is going to be your blog? Does it going to make me laugh? Are you only going to make silly jokes? Why are you so cool?... Well my little laughers, my answers are: it's going to be about science combined with some jokes, I hope so, not only and I definitely agree with the last question.

Finally, I would like to spend some time explaining to you the main topic of this blog. It's going to be about Mission One! You know, that stuff of people colonizing the red planet, Mars. Well, I will teach you some information about this really interesting project that it's going to happen in 2030 approximately.

Keep laughing