jueves, 25 de febrero de 2016

The Digital Humanities

Hello laughers, I found an interesting definition about the Digital Humanities, judge yourselves:

The term Digital Humanities (DH) relates to the field of teaching and research in the humanities and social sciences and arts that uses the paradigms of each discipline themselves to study, along with the tools and unique perspectives offered by Information and Communication of the Technology.
The aim of the use of ICT is not really to accelerate or increase the power of research development, but rather to adopt new ways of approaching the facts and acts of human culture. This fresh look is one of the most striking values ​​of the DH, because it is what allows us to understand the academic as something that goes beyond the linear reading of the text or document by integrating the potential of multimedia documents, metadata and dynamic environments.
Methodologically, the DH are based on the evidence that recovery techniques, development, storage, display and dissemination of knowledge are the same for all the humanistic field. Therefore they characterized by their nature eminently transdisciplinar.
Also I bring you some examples DH projects:
http://docsouth.unc.edu/neh/ This is a digital humanities project because is a collection of the North American Slaves autobiographies. It is a branch from a Digital Humanities topic, literature & languages.
http://digitalaugustanrome.org/  This is a digital humanities project because is about the Augustan Rome. It is a branch from a Digital Humanities topic, archaeology.
https://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/project/art-project# This is a digital humanities project because is about an Art Project. It is a branch from a Digital Humanities topic, arts.

 Keep always laughing, JAJA

lunes, 18 de enero de 2016


Hi laughers, in this entrance I will write a short glossary:

·It's a human colony a with no return.

·It's a project directed by the Netherlander Bas Lansdorp.

·The training for the future astronauts will consist on their mental capacities and for gaining some habilities.

·Mars is the correct planet because is the most similar to us.